..was amazing! Last tuesday my boyfriend and I went to Antwerp, for two days. The weather was nice (a lot less snow than in holland!) and the hotel was perfect. We spent the first day shopping for Christmas presents and of course we shopped some clothes. I took him to my favorite store (Urban Outfitters) and he loved it as well.
The second day we visited the Christmas market and walked around a bit. We ate ‘flemish fries’ and took a lot of photos. At night we went to a bar and when I ordered a ‘baco’ (bacardi cola) they gave me this (whoops! that’s a little bit too much bacardi haha). Anyways, I finally found the perfect cardigan and a cute dress for Christmas/NYE. And my boyfriend gave me the cutest hat EVER! Unfourtunately I only have some bad quality photos of my new stuff but it will do:
(I’m wearing the hat on the first picture)
I also got presents from my parents and my boyfriend’s parents (another good thing about having a boyfriend hehe). From my parents I got:
A book about how to unravel dreams, some ‘luck cards’ and a book about Gustav Klimt, (I love his art!) and some money. From my boyfriends parents I got:
A huge grey circle scarf, a very cute little chocolate fondue with swiss chocolate and a Kings of Leon CD.
It was a wonderful week full of presents as you can see! Right now I have to make some homework and friday I’ll go to my boyfriend to spent NYE with him and friends. How was your Christmas? What did you get from Santa?
Oh and one important question, is there someone reading my blog who lives in Antwerp? I forgot to buy something and I can’t find it anywhere on the internet. Maybe someone could by it for me and send it to me? Please leave a message if you’re able and willing to do that for me (of course I’ll pay you, it’s about €50 including postal costs).
And last but not least, a cute picture of me and my boyfriend, last Christmas.
Dit bericht heeft 3 reacties
Wauw, ziet er heel gezellig uit! en die muuuuuuuts <3 waar heb je hem vandaan? ik wil ook!
leuke kadootjes ook!
Wij vieren niet echt Kerst met kadootjes, maar ik kreeg wel parfum van mama :) verder was er lekker eten en leuke lampions, en natuurlijk All you need is love op tv. dat is en blijft toch mijn hoogtepunt ;)
Ahhhhh super leuke foto’s! Die cardigan is echt prachtig. Ik hoop echt dat ik die ook kan scoren als ik in Antwerpen ben. Ik wil hem wel in het groen of bordeaux rood alleen :)
En hhahahaha, ik moest echt heel erg lachen om die bacardi cola, hahaha.
Oh die cardigan en dat mutsje zijn echt leuk!